Friday, April 29, 2011

Home Roasting

Should you roast your own coffee beans at home? If you are like me you never even considered doing it. It seems like it would be complicated or require a bunch of equipment. This is not true however.

There are several advantages to roasting your coffee beans at home. The first advantage (and the one that makes the most difference) is the freshness and taste of home roasted beans. Usually when you buy coffee beans at the grocery store you have no idea how fresh they are or how far they traveled to get to your local coffee isle (this is not only unsustainable it doesn't taste as good either). Once coffee is roasted it starts to lose its freshness after just 24 hours, while green unroasted beans can last anywhere from 2-6 months. The difference between a freshly roasted cup of coffee and a cup made with less fresh beans is astounding. You truly have not tasted coffee until you have had it freshly roasted. Another good reason to roast at home is the money you will save. green beans are cheaper than roasted beans and you don't need any special equipment to roast coffee at home. You can use a converted popcorn popper or a bread maker or you can just use a good old fashioned frying pan. here is a video showing how simple it is to home roast your coffee beans.

Just remember that if you don't have time to roast your own coffee, Moka Joe Coffee is the next best thing.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fair trade makes a difference

watch this video from the fair trade foundation's youtube channel. It shows the real difference fair trade makes to small farmers and producers and gives personal accounts from farmers in low income farming communities.

Very interesting

Why You Should Buy a French Press

Do you love coffee? you probably do if you're reading this blog. Well every coffee lover should try french press coffee at least once. Even the coffee curious can benefit from the advantages a french press offers. First thing is first however. What is a french press? If you don't know I will explain. A french press is a certain type of coffee maker and it looks like this...

You mix your ground coffee beans with hot water inside the french press, let it brew for about 5 minutes then you press (hence the name) the plunger down to separate the grounds from the now brewed coffee and Ta-Da, french press coffee.

So what are the advantages of brewing coffee in this way? well there are several. First, and most obvious, you don't have to bother with that old Mr. Coffee that has been on your counter for years. I don't know about you but I just hate having to pour water down the back of these things, I seem to always make a mess somehow.

Second, no more coffee filters. Not only do coffee filters cost money and degrade the environment they also make your coffee not as tasty. Not only are coffee filters somewhat annoying (at least for me) but they actually take away from your coffee's flavor. Coffee filters soak up some of the essential oils from the beans that should be adding to the taste of your morning joe.

Third, you no longer have to brew up and entire pot of coffee even if you only want one or two cups. With a french press you only brew the amount of coffee you want because you can ad as much or as little water as you want.

Finally, a french press coffee maker doesn't have to just make coffee. That's right. A french press can also be used to brew tea. Just replace the coffee grounds with loose leaf tea and you'll be enjoying your hot beverage in no time.

All in all the french press is a wonderful thing to have in your kitchen. Oh and by the way, it makes coffee when the power is out, see if your Mr. Coffee can do that.

Monday, April 25, 2011

There are so many uses for coffee.

Here is a wonderful way to use that little bit of extra Moka Joe Coffee you have lying around. This recipe comes form the website which has has all sorts of coffee related content. from how to actually grow your own coffee plants to light-hearted coffee comic strips and pretty much everything in between. 

Now, when I go looking around the web for a new and interesting ways to use your Moka Joe Coffee, I usually only find dessert recipes. You know, tiramisu or espresso brownies, that sort of thing. So when I came across this coffee beef stew recipe I was pleasantly surprised not only to have found a non-dessert recipe but also a recipe that looked extraordinarily tasty and I decided it needed to be shared. So here you are, Coffee Beef Stew by J.B. Bulharowski. Enjoy!

Coffee Beef Stew Recipe

Summary: Recipe to make a beef stew with a coffee inspired broth.


  • 2 Lbs. Beef Chuck, Cut Into 1 1/2″ Cubes
  • 1 Teaspoon Sugar
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Peppercorns (Whole)
  • 2 Tablespoons Fat (or Mix Of Fat & Butter), Heated Almost To Smoking
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Paprika Dash Allspice Or Cloves 2 Cups Boiling Water, Or 1/2 water & strong leftover coffee or stock
  • 1/2 Lb. Carrots, Cut In 1/2″ pieces
  • 2 Potatoes, Cut In 1/2″ pieces
  • 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice (Optional)
  • 1 Each Turnip, Parsnip, Rutabaga, Cut In 1/2″ pieces
  • 1 Teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
  • 2 Celery Stalks, Cut In 1/2″ pieces
  • 1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce
  • 1 Sprig Thyme, Fresh If Possible
  • 1 Clove Garlic, Sliced
  • 1 Handful Fresh Parsley
  • 1 Medium Onion, Sliced In Half Moons
  • Dumplings: (Optional)
  • 1-2 Bay Leaves
  • 2 Cups Biscuit Mix
  • 1 Tablespoon Salt, Seasoned Type
  • 2/3 Cups Milk
coffee beef stew


  1. To season and flour the meat, put the beef and a little seasoned flour in a paper sack or plastic bag; shake until coated in batches, and the job is done! Continue with the recipe. There is one suggestion here, if you opt to cook this in a crockpot, rather than on the stovetop, take the time to brown the meat carefully for the reason cited in the next sentence. Brown meat on all sides in hot fat, turning often, letting a nice fond develop. Fond is the brown bits accumulated on the bottom of a crockpot during the browning process. Liquid is then added to "deglaze" the pan and form a concentrated flavoring. This step enhances formulation of a great complex, flavorful final product.
  2. Add water (liquid of your choice, coffee water, stock, to measure 4 cups), lemon juice, Worchestershire sauce, garlic, sliced onion, bay leaves and seasonings. Cover, and simmer, do not boil, for two (2) hours stirring occasionally to keep the mix from sticking. Remove bay leaves, peppercorns and any other whole seasonings you’ve included. Add carrots and onions. If carrots are large, halve or quarter. Cubed potatoes may also be added. Cover and cook 30 minutes longer, or until vegetables are tender. Remove meat and veggies, thicken liquid for gravy, if desired. Garnish with some chopped parsley.
  3. Gravy: Skim most of fat from stew liquid. For 3 cups liquid, put ½ cup water in a shaker or mason jar with a top, add ¼ cup A.P. flour, shaking until smooth. Add the flour mixture slowly to the meat stock, stirring constantly until gravy bubbles all over. Cook about 5 minutes more, stirring often. Pour over meat and vegetables.
Cooking time (duration): 150 min
Diet (other): High protein
Number of servings (yield): 4
Meal type: dinner
Culinary tradition: USA (Traditional)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Moka Joe is Roasting for you!

Check out this coffee all packed up and ready to ship out!
Look for Moka Joe in your local grocery store or Seattle area QFC

Earth Day 2011, Love your mother!

That's right today, April 22, is Earth Day 2011.

Earth Day was started in 1970 by US Senator Gaylord Nelson and since has spread from the United States across the world. In 1990 Earth Day was recognized and celebrated in countries across the world and in this spirit of cooperation, mountain climbers from China, The Soviet Union and the United States climbed Mt. Everest (this was the first expedition to the summit with climbers from all 3 nations). The Mountaineers cleaned up trash from previous expeditions all the way to the top, and moved it down off the Mountain.

Since 1990 the Earth Day tradition has gained even more global support but there are ways that any individual can participate without having to climb Mt. Everest. For example,

Start a compost pile in your back yard. This is and easy way to help the environment in several ways. Composting is not only good for the planet but it is good for your garden as well. You don't need to buy expensive potting soil when you have a compost pile. Just take all you kitchen scraps and yard waste, put them in your compost pile and in several weeks you will have compost that is chocked full of nutrients plants love.

Take the bus or carpool to work. this will save you gas money (and lets be honest, with gas prices hovering around 4 dollars this is a good idea even when its not Earth Day). Carpooling/bus riding also cuts down on harmful greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change.

You can even do something as easy as replacing all the light bulbs in your house with energy efficient bulbs. This just takes a quick trip to your local hardware store and will save you money on your energy bill all year round.

Whatever you do to celebrate earth day this year just remember to love your mother!

Friday, April 15, 2011

What exactly does Fair Trade mean?

Check out this quick little video in which and author talks about the benefits of purchasing fair trade coffee and why people should spend a little extra effort to make sure the products they buy are fair trade.
Very informative and remember you can always find fair trade coffee at our Website

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Moka Joe is all over town

Inside our roasting location on James St.

Downtown Bellingham, off Railroad Ave. between Holly and Magnolia

At the Coffee Junction Cafe inside Fairhaven Station

At the Lightcatcher Cafe inside the Whatcom Museum.

Our picture is everywhere around Bellingham. This just goes to show this community is a big part of us and we are a part of this community. Look for the Moka Joe label around town, typically it is in place that are serving amazing Fair Trade and 100% organic coffee and espresso. (or on the sides of random buildings!)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Coffee can help you garden.

That's right, not only does Moka Joe Coffee taste amazing, it can now help your garden flourish. I know what you're thinking, "Does caffeine act like miracle grow and energize my plants?" Well the truth is no. the caffeine is not what I am talking about.

Coffee will actually repeal garden pests. just mix some coffee grounds in with the soil around your plants and it will repeal ants, snails, slugs and even stray cats. Just take your used grounds from the morning pot of coffee and sprinkle them around the plants that need protecting. This is a great natural way to keep your plants healthy without using harmful chemicals.

Coffee can also be used as a fertilizer for most garden plants. Coffee grounds are full of nutrients that plants need to grow healthy and strong. There are several ways that you can use coffee to fertilize. The first way is to mix your used coffee grounds in with the soil before you water. the water helps break down the coffee grounds and makes it easy for plants to suck up that nutrients with the water. Another way is to dilute the remainder of your morning pot of coffee and use it to water your house plants. Either way you will be feeding you plants valuable nutrients, not spending any extra money and not using harmful or toxic chemicals. Sounds like a good idea to me

And remember, you can always get Moka Joe Coffee from you local North West QFC store. Moka Joe is always 100 % organic and fair trade.

Friday, April 8, 2011

When you buy Moka Joe Coffee you make a difference to women in our community

Moka Joe Coffee is committed to making a difference in the lives of women near and far. We sell Cafe Femenino coffee which is grown exclusively by women in coffee farming communities. these women receive a premium for the coffee which contributes to an increasing standard of living and helps these women meet their basic needs and the needs of their children.

In addition to this support given to women in the coffee growing communities Moka Joe Coffee also strives to make a difference closer to home. We do this by donating 2% of our quarterly sales of the Cafe Femenino coffee to Dorothy's Place in Bellingham. Dorothy's Place is local shelter for single women and women with children. The shelter has 21 apartments where survivors of domestic violence can stay. In addition Dorothy's place also provides phone and internet access to homeless women and children.

You can help us support these fine organizations by purchasing our Cafe Femenino brand coffee at the Bellingham Food Coop or on our website at

WFC Rangers fund raiser

The Whatcom Football Club Rangers are putting on a fund raiser right now to raise money for the soccer season but these athletes are not selling cookies like the girl scouts. Instead the Rangers are selling Moka Joe Coffee. I think this is a great idea, not only is Moka Joe Coffee 100% organic and fair trade certified, it tastes amazing too.

Moka Joe Coffee is providing the beans to the rangers at a steep discount so that the team can turn around and make a good amount of money during the fundraiser. This is another example of how Moka Joe Coffee is dedicated to supporting the community and the people in it.

And remember, you can always get yourself some tasty Moka Joe Coffee, freshly roasted at our 2118 James St. location in Bellingham WA. or order some online right here. Moka Joe Coffee

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Coffee, It's not just for drinking anymore

Did you know that apart from tasting amazing, coffee can also help keep odors under control? That's right, You can use coffee beans to take down trashcan, laundry room, bathroom and even shoe odors. Just take an old sock or nylon and fill it with coffee beans (of course you will use Moka Joe beans because they are 100% organic and Fair Trade) then just hang the deodorizer anywhere in the house that is getting a little funky and ta-da, not only will the room smell like coffee for a week or so but after that the beans will continue to absorb dank and musty smells for even longer. You can also use this trick for the kitchen trashcan, just stash some beans in the bottom and say goodbye to your smelly garbage for good or leave some beans in your shoes overnight to have them smelling fresh by morning.

Don't every spend money on one of those flowery deodorizing spray cans again. After all, Coffee smells much better.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Moka Joe gets a great review

A review blog gave the Moka Joe Coffee Decaf blend a great review, take a look...

"Krameymartin asked me to try Moka Joe's Decaf coffee last week. The few times I've had decaf did not produce good memories, but I took the challenge. I was surprised from the moment I ground the first beans. The aroma was pleasant, comparable to those 'big name' brands. But the taste was even better. A smooth, even flavor from the initial sip to the the last drop with a subtle chocolately, nutty flavor. I'm now a convert and continue to start my day 'sans caffeine.' I recommend you take a taste and see for yourself." 
-Guy, resident Krameymartin coffee expert


And remember you can always get your hands on some of this delicious coffee by ordering from our website or check out the info tab on our facebook page ( to find a list of grocery stores and markets that sell our wonderful product


Friday, April 1, 2011

every Friday at 1pm

Swing by any friday at 1pm and experience on of Moka Joe's cuppings.
Try some of our delicious coffee and if you like go ahead and purchase
as much as you want

Always 100% organic
Always fair trade

Fair Trade products are gaining support!

According to this article on The number of Fair Trade products available in your grocery store has been steadily increasing over the last few years and is projected to continue to rise.

read the article here...

Here at Moka Joe Coffee we are committed to continue offering our customers great tasting 100% organic and free trade coffee roasted locally right here in Bellingham, WA. We want to thank all of you for continuing to support us in our efforts to roast and sell great coffee responsibly. We are committed to providing you with the best coffee you have ever tasted in an ethical and socially responsible way.

Please continue to support companies selling fair trade certified products and look for Moka Joe Coffee in your local grocery store or order a bag from our website

And be sure to look for us very soon in your local QFC store!